Monday, November 19, 2012

Dreaming of Harry Potter, Japan, and the Blues

Last night I had an epic Harry-Potter-related dream in which there was a movie promotional contest that was actually real and enabled muggles like me to help Harry and his friends defeat Voldemort.

Then my weird brain totally switched gears and I found that I was a former cop working as a bodyguard for an escort service in Japan, supposedly. I say supposedly because I didn't actually guard anybody. Instead, I spent most of the dream discussing handguns with my partner, trying to sort through Japan's complex laws and cultural rules to figure out how to sell a car, and worrying to myself that I would make a lousy bodyguard because I didn't actually have any martial arts skills (but I discovered, much to my surprise, that I was actually remarkably adept at aikido somehow).

Then I switched gears yet again. I was back in America, carrying a badass katana like the one Michonne uses on The Walking Dead. I walked to the entrance of what I thought was a new karate dojo in the neighborhood, and, in order to avoid any unpleasant misunderstandings, left my weapon at the door before going inside.

Once inside, I realized that it was not a dojo, but a sheet music store (apparently, it's easy to confuse the two). I asked the guy if they had any books about the harmonica. He said they only had one or two and pointed them out. One was a book and CD combo of classical harmonica and recorder duets. The other was actually just a religious Chick tract about a harmonica blues man who spends his life in dissipation and either dies and goes to hell or finds Jesus at the last minute and goes to heaven. I wasn't sure which because I didn't actually read the whole thing. Instead, for some reason, I had cut out all the faces from the tract and was trying to meticulously tape them back when I finally decided to just cough up the pocket change and buy the stupid thing. I looked at the price and it was $25.00. Apparently, it was some sort of rare collector's item. Oops.

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