Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Weird Recurring Dream

Last night I had it again. It's this really strange recurring dream where I'm driving around town, but I'm driving from the passenger side. There's no one in the driver's seat, and I have to reach over to the driver's side to steer. I have no idea who's operating the brakes and gas, but that detail doesn't come to mind while I'm dreaming. Also, there's never any clear reason why I'm driving this way. In the dream, I think about how unsafe this must be, and I fear getting pulled over by the police. In last night's dream, I almost was pulled over by the police, but I woke up just in time. Thank goodness. I hear that dream traffic court is a real bear.

I ran a Google search and found this interesting interpretation from a website called Dreamcrowd.com: "If you are driving from the passenger side of a car, then it suggests that you are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. You are beginning to make your own decisions." Whatever. Maybe there's something to that, but isn't that the case with 90% of people out there?

I think the real reason may have more to do with the fact that I went to bed hungry. Maybe if I have a small snack before bedtime, then that will keep the dream-police at bay and my dream insurance company won't be able raise my premiums! That sounds like a good reason for a bedtime milk-and-cookie snack!


Munkee said...

I think it is not far fetched to think that dreams are a working out of our stresses and anxieties. They provide real relief from a build up of feelings and emotions that often go unattended in our waking hours.

Kungfupower said...

That may be true, but I just don't buy into all that dream interpretation stuff I read in books and on the Internet. It borrows too much from "cold-reading" techniques like those used by fake psychics and newspaper astrologers.

In my life, dreams have been completely useless as a therapeutic tool. I've never had a dream uncover any "secret" thoughts or motivations or even reveal anything about my inward state that wasn't already obvious to me. You can call me a dream interpretation skeptic, I guess.

Munkee said...

Well, I spoke in ignorance of the sites actual content...i don't buy it to the extent they take it. And I agree most of the meanings our dreams hold are often obvious, unfortunately I don't see the obvious as quickly as some folks and need it pointed out.