Thursday, July 19, 2007

Oshikku Deru Deru Shiipappa

While looking for information about sumo, I somehow managed to stumble on this delightful little gem. It's just too awesome not to share with everybody. My favorite part is about 29 seconds into the video where his parents shout "Shimajiro, let's go for it together!" and he gives that determined little nod. He looks like a samurai facing battle. Also amusing was the little guy at the end shooting his fist into the air and shouting "Yatta!" meaning "Hooray!" or "I did it!" After expending so much effort in pursuit of a worthy goal, it's good to feel a proud sense of accomplishment.

(Unfortunately, the original YouTube video was taken down, but here is a link to another version of it, without subtitles. Unfortunately, that version won't allow me to embed the video.)

And for those of you who would like to sing along:

oshikko deru deru
shiipa shiipa
oshikko shiipappa

unchi deru deru
unpa unpa
unchi uunpappa

It just another example of how the Japanese make everything look totally awesome!


Munkee said...


Beniy said...

That's awesome, man. I'll save that for use in the near future.